Segment 10: Disciples Chosen (Luke 6:12-16)
Looking Back
Care For One Another
Pray for one another
Share from your lives (health issues, family, finances, spiritual needs, sports, etc.)
Celebrate Together
With song, instrument, dance or testimonies
Cast vision For Your Group And Each Other
That we would be better followers of Jesus
That our community would draw closer to God
Giving and Sharing
Give something tangible from what God has given you to help others
Looking Up
It was always Jesus’ intention to have His ministry continued by specific followers He chose
and named “apostles.” This word means “messengers.” In contrast to how we might have chosen them, Jesus chose men who were poorly educated, worked at hard jobs, were considered
“sinful,” and were sometimes weak in their faith and commitment to Him. It shows us that
Jesus can use anyone if they are willing to follow Him
Step 1 Watch the segment twice
Step 2 Ask a member of the group to tell the story of the segment in their own words
Step 3 Allow the group to fill in any gaps in the story or make any corrections.
Step 4 Discussion questions:
1. What did you like the most about the story? What caught your attention?
2. Why do you think Jesus spent the night in prayer to God before He chose His
twelve apostles?
3. Jesus chose Matthew, a tax collector hated by those in his own country. What does
this say about Jesus?
4. Why do you think Matthew got up from the toll gate and followed Jesus? What
might Matthew have given up to follow Jesus?
5. Why would Matthew, after he is called by Jesus, have a dinner and invite all his
friends to come and meet Him?
6. The word “apostle” means “messenger”. From what you have learned so far, what
would have been the message of the apostles when they went out to minister?
If prayer was important to Jesus, it must be important to us as well. Jesus chose ordinary, even
sinful people, to be His Apostles. Jesus uses people to continue His ministry. Jesus wants us to
introduce people to Him, just like Matthew did.
Looking Forward
Share together in your group how you believe God would want you to respond
telling the story (from step 2) to each other
today’s story with others and invite them to come to your next group time.
Thank God for what we learned today.
Pray for others in our community.
Pray for one another in your group