Segment 2: Birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26-33, 2:1-7)

Looking Back

Care For One Another

Pray for one another

Share from your lives (health issues, family, finances, spiritual needs, sports, etc.)

Celebrate Together

With song, instrument, dance or testimonies

Cast vision For Your Group And Each Other

That we would be better followers of Jesus

That our community would draw closer to God

Giving and Sharing

Give something tangible from what God has given you to help others

Looking Up


Everyone has a birthday. Everyone enters life in the same manner. Even Jesus. Jesus is the

Son of God who chose to identify with humanity by coming into the world in the same way as everyone else. He did this to share in our humanity and show that He is not only God by truly Man as well.

Step 1 Watch the segment twice

Step 2 Ask a member of the group to tell the story of the segment in their own words

Step 3 Allow the group to fill in any gaps in the story or make any corrections.

Step 4 Discussion questions:

1. What did you like the most about the story? What caught your attention?

2. What was Mary’s reaction to the angel’s words to her that she would give birth to

the Messiah?

3. Why do you think the angel Gabriel said the baby would be a Holy Child?

4. Why do you think it is important that Jesus was born to a virgin?

5. Why was it important for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem? (Read Micah 5:2)

6. How did Mary and Joseph trust God in the events surrounding Jesus’ birth?


• It was Jesus conception that was unique, not just His birth.

• Mary and Joseph both trusted in God during the time of Jesus’ birth.

• Jesus was both God and Man as evidenced by His virgin birth to Mary.

• Jesus, the Son, existed with the Father before the world, the angels, or any other

created thing.

Looking Forward


Share together in your group how you believe God would want you to respond


telling the story (from step 2) to each other


today’s story with others and invite them to come to your next group time.


Thank God for what we learned today.

Pray for others in our community.

Pray for one another in your group

Birth of Jesus

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